One of the most common questions I get asked at an initial consultation is, “What are the chances of a successful recovery?” My answer is always the same: 100 percent.
You see, it doesn’t matter what percentage of the thousands of addicts in this country successfully complete their recovery programs. And it doesn’t matter how long the average recovery lasts.
The only thing that matters is you. You are in control of the outcome. 100 percent. One of our patients put it this way, after successfully recovering from five years of opiate dependence: “I realized that I could only expect to take as much from this treatment as I was willing to put into it. And from this partnership between patient and physician, healing began to take place and progress in my recovery was accomplished…”
Breaking free from alcohol or chemical dependency can be a difficult, painful process. If a patient is truly committed to recovery, adheres to his or her course of treatment, and follows up with the prescribed aftercare program that patient is on the path to a sustained recovery.