The goal of Chemical Dependency Treatment Associates Inc. is to develop an individualized treatment plan that addresses the recovery needs of the chemically dependent person. Different levels of care and treatment intensity are offered based on need, as determined by a complete bio-psycho-social assessment of the individual.
An alcohol/chemical dependency assessment is done on the client’s initial visit to Chemical Dependency Treatment Associates Inc. and is the first step toward recovery. An assessment will determine whether the person has a dependency problem and the severity of it.
Assessment of a client with a substance use disorder is an ongoing process. The process explores the individual’s usage patterns. Which drugs are being abused? How much? How often? We also look into how usage is impacting the individual’s life, including his or her health, relationships and work performance.
Collaborative Treatment Plan
Once the assessment is complete, a comprehensive treatment plan is created in collaboration with the client and reflects the goals and needs of the individual client. It will provide a framework for the treatment and outline what the client should expect – and what is expected from him or her. Our goal is to work with the client to develop alternatives to the chemical lifestyle. We customize a multi-faceted tool box for each client, because experience has shown you can’t cure addiction with only one tool.
Adolescent Assessments
Relying on collaboration, respect and empathy, CDTA has had considerable success treating adolescents. Experience has shown that young people respond well to the kind of private treatments and environment offered by CDTA’s physicians. They also work with some of the best treatment centers in the region that specialize in adolescent care. Together they create an integrated, comprehensive treatment plan for the child.
When treating an adolescent, the initial doctor-client meeting is private, without the parents in attendance. Not until doctor and patient develop a course of treatment is the plan shared with .parents. However, at some point family members are encouraged to visit and get to know the doctor – but the client’s confidentiality is always maintained. Addiction is a family disease, so it is important that everyone affected knows the plan and how he or she can help.
Program Referrals
Chemical Dependency Treatment Associates provide out-client treatments for a variety of alcohol and chemical dependencies. Getting help on an out-client basis allows the addict to continue to live her or her daily life as normally as possible.
However, in some situations inpatient treatment at a residential facility or a more intense out-client program may be better alternatives. In these cases, we will provide a referral to one or more facilities providing those services in the Sacramento region.
The referral is part of the broader treatment plan. Usually clients return to CDTA for their after-care programs.